Life in Temasek Polytechnic has finally ended for me. The past 3 years were incredible. I cried, I laughed, I had lots of fun, I had my fair share of anger, lots and lots of sleep lost and losing my general health. And now, it has finally ended.

Marketing Overseas Study Trip 2009 - Taiwan Dlink

Marketing Overseas Study Trip 2009 - Taiwan Shinyeh Table
I think one of the most impacting events that happened throughout my entire life in Temasek Polytechnic was joining the Marketing Family. Although I've never gelled quite in, I really like how well each and every marketer is able to interact with each other. Being in Marketing is really like being introduced into a large family. Most of us know each other, if not by name, at least by face. And it's nice that you know you're in the right class when your class is forever filled with laughters and joy.

2M01 2009 - Project Overnighting

2M01 2009 - Creative Campaign Project Advertisement Shooting - This was my favorite project group ever.

3M05 2010 - Strategic Marketing Presentation

3M05 2011 - Final Presentation, Entrepreneurship

3M05 - Global Marketing Project Group - The girls who have both driven me crazy and kept me sane for the past 1 year.
This is the life of a marketer in Temasek Polytechnic. Dry humor, real humor, tears, laughters, happiness, joy, excitement, disappointment, stress, relief, sleepless nights, sleepy days. These are the feelings a marketer will inevitably feel when he/she steps into the marketing path in Temasek Polytechnic.
And I really am pretty glad I entered this large family, 'cause without them, I would never have been able to find myself. I would also have never been able to excel and grow the way a marketer is trained to.
So, I've finally came to the end of this journey. The closure of this life-altering chapter. Now, we will move on to a new chapter in your life and my life alike.
:') + <3
<3 to you too BFL!
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