Sunday, November 28, 2010

Phuket with Boyfriend (Day 2&3) Part 2

Decided to do up this post as well since it's a pretty short post and I don't think I'll have the time to blog tomorrow...

More of market goodness


Tribal necklaces. Lots and lots of them.

SOON AFTER IT WAS DINNER. And I tell you I had one of the most bittersweet dinners in my entire life EVER.

I call it bittersweet cuz here, I had the freshest and most awesome tasting oysters I've ever tasted - provided with the perfect sauces and toppings to make it taste simply like heaven.



That honestly caused us less than a fraction of what we would have been made to pay in Singapore...

Was the very cause of the terrible food poisoning case I had in Phuket.

I remember feeling okay and still walking around with the boyfriend for hours after we had this meal. However, the next morning... Which was on Day 3, I was suddenly struck by this terrible stomachache that I thought to be my gastric fooling around. After our breakfast at this expensive restaurant called two-chefs though, I was struck by a stomachache about 20x worst than the one I had early morning.

So the stomachache came in spasms and it just coming over and over again. By night time, I was a mess of pain. I was rolling around in bed, crying in pain and scolding all sorts of vulgarities. I've never experienced childbirth before, but I'd say I'll rank that kind of pain about 15/10 in my pain radar. And trust me, I have quite a high tolerance level for pain so for me to cry over pain... It has to be quite something.

After about 3 hours of being in extreme pain, the boyfriend decided that was it and wanted to bring me to the doctor's. The kind souls at Karon Sunshine Guest House decided to fetch me over to the next town to a doctor that they probably frequent... On a bike. Which explains my first time being on a bike. It was quite a thrilling experience if not for my ailing stomach.

We didn't get to see the doctor's anyway since it was closed. Went to the pharmacy, got medicine and went back to the guesthouse. Back at the guesthouse, I was about to alight when my leg grazed the exhaust pipe, and that's it! My leg got scalded!

This is the plight of my sad and painful wound right now.

Anyway, after eating the medicine, it just got worst. The pain intensified itself and I basically rolled around bed in pain all night while the boyfriend looked at me helplessly. Barely slept for 2 hours I think - fitful sleep I call it.

And that was the end of my second and third days in Phuket. No pictures for day 3 cuz I was too busy rolling around bed in pain.


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