Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Leap of Faith

Life of late has been feeling extremely purposeful and less boring. I guess the reason is because there are certain large changes in my life that will be happening extremely soon. I am fearful yet excited at the million of possibilities. And I am extremely glad that I finally, finally took this step after so many years of deliberation.

Many people have asked if I was taking this step a little too early or if I was running instead of walking like I should be. I say, fuck all those rules. How many more baby steps am I allowed to take before I eventually fall off that cliff? I'd rather run towards the cliff and know that I've at least taken that leap of faith. How long more should I wait to fulfill my dreams? How many more 19 years of my life do you think I have left? What if I die tomorrow, next month, a year later? What if because of all the "Isn't it too early?", "Shouldn't you work first?", I wait and eventually am unable to fulfill my dream because I died early?

There are just too many possibilities in life. We never know what happens tomorrow.

So why not... Why not we just take that leap of faith. Because unless you do it, you'll never know. Chances are, if you have callings as strong as I do, it is probably right for you. Chances are you're probably made to do it. But you'll never do it because you're scared.

Because you never dared to take that extra step. Because you could never force yourself to look at what's beneath that cliff.


You were cowardly.

And here, my friends. I tell you again.

Take the leap of faith and never regret your decision. Because experience is what counts here. At least you tried.


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