Wednesday, November 10, 2010

5 random facts

To counter off that morbid post I just did, I shall do up this random post about weird quirky facts about me that you probably never knew.

1) I like ogling at hot and pretty girls more than I like looking at guys. But that saying, I'm not a lesbian. I'm as straight as ||| and that's pretty damn straight if you'd ask me.

2) I get insomnia almost on a nightly basis. That shouldn't come as a surprise looking at the times I actually get to blogging. BUT I almost always sleep like a baby on hotel beds. I'm weird like that.

3) I'm a hardcore workaholic. IF I do not get to finish an urgent piece of work, I'd forgo food and sleep and everything important just to finish it. If it's not urgent though, I normally would just procrastinate and slack through it.

4) I probably won't do online shopping for awhile now cuz I've been staring at too much clothes lately and it's not doing my sanity well. I feel like I could start puking clothes if I looked at anymore tonight.

5) I think due to my extreme workaholism and my love for my macbook, I've developed a serious case of backaches and I feel like an old lady at 19 years old. It's quite tragic if you asked me. I feel like an 89 year old trapped in a 19 year old most of the time.


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