Thursday, December 23, 2010

Virtually Limitless (Cryptic Post, Haha)

Sometimes when I look back in life, I get a little taken aback. It's funny how we never realize that we are virtually limitless. You always feel like you've reached your end, reached your maximum. You always feel like this will be the end and you will probably die after that. But no, often, life offers us so much more.

I wouldn't say I've exactly went through a lot. But I guess by normal Singaporean teen/youth standard, I suppose I've been through quite a bit. I am surprised I got through all of that angst, that betrayal, that mental anguish... I am pretty surprised by how much I've managed to get over. And this is how you realize your mind and body are virtually limitless. Whatever limits you set for yourself in the past, you'll probably override those somewhere near the future.

By that, I mean to say that there's never really a problem you cannot solve... Or a rut you cannot get out of... Or anything at all, actually. Life has a way of sorting things out by itself even if it means making you lose everything you once had/owned.

But you lose some, you gain some too. I've lost a lot in life. But what I've gained is wisdom, knowledge, love and a family more complete than ever.


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